Lawyers standing up to domestic abuse.

DARA does not take direct referrals. DARA only takes client referrals from NCDV or FLOWS. If you are a domestic abuse survivor in need of support, contact: NCDV or FLOWS. If you are in immediate danger, call 999.

After living with this hanging over me I can now get my life back to normal and not have to fear who is at the door or what’s coming in the post. I don’t think anyone who hasn’t been through abuse knows what it’s like to feel powerless and frightened all the time. I can’t thank you enough for all your time and hard work.
— Client

Domestic abuse

In England and Wales, one in four women experience domestic abuse during their lifetime. Every week two women in the UK are killed by a current or former partner and three die by suicide due to domestic abuse. Thousands more suffer in silence.

Our vision

Nobody should live in fear of abuse, yet cuts to legal aid have made accessing legal protection orders impossible for many. Recognising the enormous need for end-to-end representation for victims of domestic abuse, a group of leading law firms have combined their resources to launch the Domestic Abuse Response Alliance (DARA).

Having to face and maybe talk in front of the person who has been abusing you is so traumatic I personally go to pieces and get emotional. So having you there on my behalf gave me back some power.
— Client

Our team

Meet our board members, member firms and funders.


This audio clip is of a client speaking about her experience in the courtroom and how gaining legal support has changed her life.

Read more client testimonials.